Web Application Interface
It is a problem almost every language used for web development has dealt with: the low level interface between the web server and the application. The earliest example of a solution is the venerable and battle-worn CGI (CGI), providing a language-agnostic interface using only standard input, standard output and environment variables.
Back when Perl was becoming the de facto web programming language, a major shortcoming of CGI became apparent: the process needed to be started anew for each request. When dealing with an interpretted language and application requiring database connection, this overhead became unbearable. FastCGI (and later SCGI) arose as a successor to CGI, but it seems that much of the programming world went in a different direction.
Each language began creating its own standard for interfacing with servers. mod_perl. mod_python. mod_php. mod_ruby. Within the same language, multiple interfaces arose. In some cases, we even had interfaces on top of interfaces. And all of this led to much duplicated effort: a Python application designed to work with FastCGI wouldn't work with mod_python; mod_python only exists for certain webservers; and these programming language specific web server extensions need to be written for each programming language.
Haskell has its own history. We originally had the cgi package, which provided a monadic interface. The fastcgi package then provided the same interface. Meanwhile, it seemed that the majority of Haskell web development focused on the standalone server. The problem is that each server comes with its own interface, meaning that you need to target a specific backend. This means that it is impossible to share common features, like GZIP encoding, development servers, and testing frameworks.
WAI attempts to solve this, by providing a generic and efficient interface between web servers and applications. Any handler supporting the interface can serve any WAI application, while any application using the interface can run on any handler.
At the time of writing, there are various backends, including Warp, FastCGI, and development server. There are even more esoteric backends like wai-handler-webkit for creating desktop apps. wai-extra provides many common middleware components like GZIP, JSON-P and virtual hosting. wai-test makes it easy to write unit tests, and wai-handler-devel lets you develop your applications without worrying about stopping to compile. Yesod targets WAI, and Happstack is in the process of converting over as well. It's also used by some applications that skip the framework entirely, including the new Hoogle.
The Interface
The interface itself is very straight-forward: an application takes a request and returns a response. A response is an HTTP status, a list of headers and a response body. A request contains various information: the requested path, query string, request body, HTTP version, and so on.
Response Body
Haskell has a datatype known as a lazy bytestring. By utilizing laziness, you can create large values without exhausting memory. Using lazy I/O, you can do such tricks as having a value which represents the entire contents of a file, yet only occupies a small memory footprint. In theory, a lazy bytestring is the only representation necessary for a response body.
In practice, while lazy byte strings are wonderful for generating "pure" values, the lazy I/O necessary to read a file introduces some non-determinism into our programs. When serving thousands of small files a second, the limiting factor is not memory, but file handles. Using lazy I/O, file handles may not be freed immediately, leading to resource exhaustion. To deal with this, WAI uses conduits.
The data type relevant to us now is a source. A source produces a stream of data, producing a single chunk at a time. In the case of WAI, the request body would be a source passed to the application, and the response body would be a source returned from the application.
There are two further optimizations: many systems provide a sendfile system call, which sends a file directly to a socket, bypassing a lot of the memory copying inherent in more general I/O system calls. Additionally, there is a datatype in Haskell called Builder
which allows efficient copying of bytes into buffers.
The WAI response body therefore has three constructors: one for pure builders
), one for a source of builders (ResponseSource
) and one for files (ResponseFile
Request Body
In order to avoid the need to load the entire request body into memory, we use
sources here as well. Since the purpose of these values are for reading (not writing),
we use ByteString
s in place of Builder
s. There is a record inside Request
, with type BufferedSource IO
. We can use all of the standard conduit functions to interact
with this source.
The request body could in theory contain any type of data, but the most common are URL encoded and multipart form data. The wai-extra package contains built-in support for parsing these in a memory-efficient manner.
Hello World
To demonstrate the simplicity of WAI, let's look at a hello world example. In this example, we're going to use the OverloadedStrings language extension to avoid explicitly packing string values into bytestrings.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
application _ = return $
responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "Hello World"
main = run 3000 application
Lines 2 through 4 perform our imports. Warp is provided by the warp package, and is the premiere WAI backend. WAI is also built on top of the http-types package, which provides a number of datatypes and convenience values, including status200
First we define our application. Since we don't care about the specific request parameters, we ignore the argument to the function. For any request, we are returning a response with status code 200 ("OK"), and text/plain content type and a body containing the words "Hello World". Pretty straight-forward.
In addition to allowing our applications to run on multiple backends without code changes, the WAI allows us another benefits: middleware. Middleware is essentially an application transformer, taking one application and returning another one.
Middleware components can be used to provide lots of services: cleaning up URLs, authentication, caching, JSON-P requests. But perhaps the most useful and most intuitive middleware is gzip compression. The middleware works very simply: it parses the request headers to determine if a client supports compression, and if so compresses the response body and adds the appropriate response header.
The great thing about middlewares is that they are unobtrusive. Let's see how we would apply the gzip middleware to our hello world application.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (gzip, def)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
application _ = return $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
"Hello World"
main = run 3000 $ gzip def application
We added an import line to actually have access to the middleware, and then simply applied gzip to our application. You can also chain together multiple middlewares: a line such as gzip False $ jsonp $ othermiddleware $ myapplication
is perfectly valid. One word of warning: the order the middleware is applied can be important. For example, jsonp needs to work on uncompressed data, so if you apply it after you apply gzip, you'll have trouble.