Yesod for Haskellers
The majority of this book is built around giving practical information on how to get common tasks done, without drilling too much into the details of what’s going on under the surface. While the book presumes knowledge of Haskell, it does not follow the typical style of many Haskell libraries introductions. Many seasoned Haskellers are put off by this hiding of implementation details. The purpose of this appendix is to address those concerns.
In this appendix, we’ll start off from a bare minimum web application, and build up to more complicated examples, explaining the components and their types along the way.
Hello Warp
Let’s start off with the most bare minimum application we can think of:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = return $ responseLBS
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
"Hello Warp!"
Wait a minute, there’s no Yesod in there! Don’t worry, we’ll get there.
Remember, we’re building from the ground up, and in Yesod, the ground floor in
WAI, the Web Application Interface. WAI sits between a web handler, such as a
web server or a test framework, and a web application. In our case, the
handler is Warp, a high performance web server, and our application is the
What’s this mysterious Application
type? It’s a simple synonym for type
Application = Request → IO Response
. The Request
value contains information
such as the requested path, query string, request headers, request body, and
the IP address of the client. We can use this to do some simple dispatching:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, pathInfo, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app req =
case pathInfo req of
["foo", "bar"] -> return $ responseLBS
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
"You requested /foo/bar"
_ -> return $ responseLBS
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
"You requested something else"
WAI mandates that the path be split into individual fragments (the stuff
between forward slashes) and converted into text. This allows for easy pattern
matching. If you need the original, unmodified ByteString
, you can use
. For more information on the available fields, please see the WAI
That addresses the request side; what about responses? We’ve already seen
, which is a convenient way of creating a response from a lazy
. That function takes three arguments: the status code, a list of
response headers (as key/value pairs), and the body itself. But responseLBS
is just a convenience wrapper. Under the surface, WAI uses blaze-builder’s
data type to represent the raw bytes. Let’s dig down another level
and use that directly:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseBuilder)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = return $ responseBuilder
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
(fromByteString "Hello from blaze-builder!" :: Builder)
This opens up some nice opportunities for efficiently building up response
bodies, since Builder
allows for O(1) append operations. We’re also able to
take advantage of blaze-html, which sits on top of blaze-builder. Let’s see our
first HTML application.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseBuilder)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtmlBuilder)
import Text.Blaze.Html5 (Html, docTypeHtml)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = return $ responseBuilder
[("Content-Type", "text/html")] -- yay!
(renderHtmlBuilder myPage)
myPage :: Html
myPage = docTypeHtml $ do
H.head $ do
H.title "Hello from blaze-html and Warp"
H.body $ do
H.h1 "Hello from blaze-html and Warp"
But there’s a limitation with using a pure Builder
value: we need to create
the entire response body before returning the Response
value. With lazy
evaluation, that’s not as bad as it sounds, since not all of the body will live in
memory at once. However, if we need to perform some I/O to generate our
response body (such as reading data from a database), we’ll be in trouble.
To deal with that situation, WAI uses conduit to represent a streaming response
body. It also allows explicit control of flushing the stream by wrapping values
in the Flush
data type. Let’s see how this works.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromShow)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Conduit (Flush (Chunk, Flush),
Source, yield)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application,
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = return $ responseSource
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
mySrc :: Source IO (Flush Builder)
mySrc = do
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "Starting streaming response.\n"
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "Performing some I/O.\n"
yield Flush
-- pretend we're performing some I/O
lift $ threadDelay 1000000
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "I/O performed, here are some results.\n"
forM_ [1..50 :: Int] $ \i -> do
yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString "Got the value: " <>
fromShow i <>
fromByteString "\n"
Another common requirement when dealing with a streaming response is safely
allocating a scarce resource- such as a file handle. By safely, I mean
ensuring that the response will be released, even in the case of some
exception. To deal with that, you can use responseSourceBracket
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Data.Conduit (Flush (Chunk), ($=))
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceHandle)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseSourceBracket)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import System.IO (IOMode (ReadMode), hClose, openFile)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = responseSourceBracket
(openFile "index.html" ReadMode)
$ \handle -> return
( status200
, [("Content-Type", "text/html")]
, sourceHandle handle $= (Chunk . fromByteString)
But in the case of serving files, it’s more efficient to use responseFile
which can use the sendfile
system call to avoid unnecessary buffer copies:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseFile)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 app
app :: Application
app _req = return $ responseFile
[("Content-Type", "text/html")]
Nothing -- means "serve whole file"
-- you can also serve specific ranges in the file
There are many aspects of WAI we haven’t covered here. One important topic is WAI middlewares, which we’ll cover towards the end of this chapter. We also haven’t inspected request bodies at all. But for the purposes of understanding Yesod, we’ve covered enough for the moment.
What about Yesod?
In all our excitement about WAI and Warp, we still haven’t seen anything about Yesod! Since we just learnt all about WAI, our first question should be: how does Yesod interact with WAI. The answer to that is with one very important function:
toWaiApp :: YesodDispatch site => site -> IO Application
This function takes some site value, which must be an instance of
, and creates an Application
. This function lives in the IO
monad, since it will likely perform actions like allocating a shared logging
buffer. The more interesting question is what this site
value is all about.
Yesod has a concept of a foundation data type. This is a data type at the core of each application, and is used in three important ways:
It can hold onto values that are initialized and shared amongst all aspects of your application, such as an HTTP connection manager, a database connection pool, settings loaded from a file, or some shared mutable state like a counter or cache.
Typeclass instances provide even more information about your application. The
typeclass has various settings, such as what the default template of your app should be, or the maximum allowed request body size. TheYesodDispatch
class indicates how incoming requests should be dispatched to handler functions. And there are a number of typeclasses commonly used in Yesod helper libraries, such asRenderMessage
for i18n support orYesodJquery
for providing the shared location of the jQuery Javascript library. -
Associated types (i.e., type families) are used to create a related route data type for each application. This is a simple ADT that represents all legal routes in your application. But using this intermediate data type instead of dealing directly with strings, Yesod applications can take advantage of the compiler to prevent creating invalid links. This feature is known as type safe URLs.
In keeping with the spirit of this appendix, we’re going to create our first Yesod application the hard way, by writing everything manually. We’ll progressively add more convenience helpers on top as we go along.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.Wai (responseBuilder)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtmlBuilder)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Yesod.Core (Html, RenderRoute (..), Yesod,
YesodDispatch (..), toWaiApp)
import Yesod.Core.Types (YesodRunnerEnv (..))
-- | Our foundatation datatype.
data App = App
{ welcomeMessage :: !Html
instance Yesod App
instance RenderRoute App where
data Route App = HomeR -- just one accepted URL
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
renderRoute HomeR = ( [] -- empty path info, means "/"
, [] -- empty query string
instance YesodDispatch App where
yesodDispatch (YesodRunnerEnv _logger site _sessionBackend) _req =
return $ responseBuilder
[("Content-Type", "text/html")]
(renderHtmlBuilder $ welcomeMessage site)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- We could get this message from a file instead if we wanted.
let welcome = H.p "Welcome to Yesod!"
waiApp <- toWaiApp App
{ welcomeMessage = welcome
run 3000 waiApp
OK, we’ve added quite a few new pieces here, let’s attack them one at a time.
The first thing we’ve done is created a new datatype, App
. This is commonly
used as the foundation data type name for each application, though you’re free
to use whatever name you want. We’ve added one field to this datatype,
, which will hold the content for our homepage.
Next we declare our Yesod
instance. We just use the default values for all of
the methods for this example. More interesting is the RenderRoute
This is the heart of type-safe URLs. We create an associated data type for
which lists all of our app’s accepted routes. In this case, we have just
one: the homepage, which we call HomeR
. It’s yet another Yesod naming
convention to append R
to all of the route data constructors.
We also need to create a renderRoute
method, which converts each type-safe
route value into a tuple of path pieces and query string parameters. We’ll get
to more interesting examples later, but for now, our homepage has an empty list
for both of those.
determines how our application behaves. It has one method,
, of type:
yesodDispatch :: YesodRunnerEnv site -> Application
provides three values: a Logger
value for outputting log
messages, the foundation datatype value itself, and a session backend, used for
storing and retrieving information for the user’s active session. In real Yesod
applications, as you’ll see shortly, you don’t need to interact with these
values directly, but it’s informative to understand what’s under the surface.
The return type of yesodDispatch
is Application
from WAI. But as we saw
earlier, Application
is simply a function from Request
to IO Response
. So
our implementation of yesodDispatch
is able to use everything we learned
about WAI above. Notice also how we accessed the welcomeMessage
from our
foundation data type.
Finally, we have the main
function. The App
value is easy to create and, as
you can see, you could just as easily have performed some I/O to acquire the
welcome message. We use toWaiApp
to obtain a WAI application, and then pass
off our application to Warp, just like we did in the past.
Congratulations, you’ve now seen your first Yesod application! (Or, at least your first Yesod application in this appendix.)
The HandlerT monad transformer
While that example was technically using Yesod, it was incredibly uninspiring.
There’s no question that Yesod did nothing more than get in our way relative to
WAI. And that’s because we haven’t started taking advantage of any of Yesod’s
features. Let’s address that, starting with the HandlerT
monad transformer.
There are many common things you’d want to do when handling a single request, e.g.:
Return some HTML.
Redirect to a different URL.
Return a 404 not found response.
Do some logging.
To encapsulate all of this common functionality, Yesod provides a HandlerT
monad transformer. The vast majority of the code you write in Yesod will live
in this transformer, so you should get acquainted with it. Let’s start off by
replacing our previous YesodDispatch
instance with a new one that takes
advantage of HandlerT
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Network.Wai (pathInfo)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Yesod.Core (HandlerT, Html, RenderRoute (..),
Yesod, YesodDispatch (..), getYesod,
notFound, toWaiApp, yesodRunner)
-- | Our foundatation datatype.
data App = App
{ welcomeMessage :: !Html
instance Yesod App
instance RenderRoute App where
data Route App = HomeR -- just one accepted URL
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
renderRoute HomeR = ( [] -- empty path info, means "/"
, [] -- empty query string
getHomeR :: HandlerT App IO Html
getHomeR = do
site <- getYesod
return $ welcomeMessage site
instance YesodDispatch App where
yesodDispatch yesodRunnerEnv req =
let maybeRoute =
case pathInfo req of
[] -> Just HomeR
_ -> Nothing
handler =
case maybeRoute of
Nothing -> notFound
Just HomeR -> getHomeR
in yesodRunner handler yesodRunnerEnv maybeRoute req
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- We could get this message from a file instead if we wanted.
let welcome = H.p "Welcome to Yesod!"
waiApp <- toWaiApp App
{ welcomeMessage = welcome
run 3000 waiApp
is our first handler function. (That name is yet another naming
convention in the Yesod world: the lower case HTTP request method, followed by
the route constructor name.) Notice its signature: HandlerT App IO Html
. It’s
so common to have the monad stack HandlerT App IO
that most applications have
a type synonym for it, type Handler = HandlerT App IO
. The function is
returning some Html
. You might be wondering if Yesod is hard-coded to only
work with Html
values. We’ll explain that detail in a moment.
Our function body is short. We use the getYesod
function to get the
foundation data type value, and then return the welcomeMessage
field. We’ll
build up more interesting handlers as we continue.
The implementation of yesodDispatch
is now quite different. The key to it is
the yesodRunner
function, which is a low-level function for converting
stacks into WAI Application
s. Let’s look at its type signature:
yesodRunner :: (ToTypedContent res, Yesod site)
=> HandlerT site IO res
-> YesodRunnerEnv site
-> Maybe (Route site)
-> Application
We’re already familiar with YesodRunnerEnv
from our previous example. As you
can see in our call to yesodRunner
above, we pass that value in unchanged.
The Maybe (Route site)
is a bit interesting, and gives us more insight into
how type-safe URLs work. Until now, we only saw the rendering side of these
URLs. But just as important is the parsing side: converting a requested path
into a route value. In our example, this code is just a few lines, and we store
the result in +maybeRoute.
Coming back to the parameters to yesodRunner
: we’ve now addressed the Maybe
(Route site)
and YesodRunerEnv site
. To get our HandlerT site IO res
value, we pattern match on maybeRoute
. If it’s Just HomeR
, we use
. Otherwise, we use the notFound
function, which is a built-in
function that returns a 404 not found response, using your default site
template. That template can be overridden in the Yesod typeclass; out of the
box, it’s just a boring HTML page.
This almost all makes sense, except for one issue: what’s that ToTypedContent
typeclass, and what does it have to do with our Html
response? Let’s start by
answering my question from above: no, Yesod does not in any way hard code
support for Html
. A handler function can return any value that has an
instance of ToTypedContent
. This typeclass (which will examine in a moment)
provides both a mime-type and a representation of the data that WAI can
consume. yesodRunner
then converts that into a WAI response, setting the
response header to the mime type, using a 200 OK status code,
and sending the response body.
(To)Content, (To)TypedContent
At the very core of Yesod’s content system are the following types:
data Content = ContentBuilder !Builder !(Maybe Int) -- ^ The content and optional content length.
| ContentSource !(Source (ResourceT IO) (Flush Builder))
| ContentFile !FilePath !(Maybe FilePart)
| ContentDontEvaluate !Content
type ContentType = ByteString
data TypedContent = TypedContent !ContentType !Content
should remind you a bit of the WAI response types. ContentBuilder
is similar to responseBuilder
, ContentSource
is like responseSource
, and
is like responseFile
. Unlike their WAI counterparts, none of
these constructors contain information on the status code or response headers;
that’s handled orthogonally in Yesod.
The one completely new constructor is ContentDontEvaluate
. By default, when
you create a response body in Yesod, Yesod fully evaluates the body before
generating the response. The reason for this is to ensure that there are no
impure exceptions in your value. Yesod wants to make sure to catch any such
exceptions before starting to send your response so that, if there is an
exception, Yesod can generate a proper 500 internal server error response
instead of simply dying in the middle of sending a non-error response. However,
performing this evaluation can cause more memory usage. Therefore, Yesod
provides a means of opting out of this protection.
is then a minor addition to Content
: it includes the
as well. Together with a convention that an application returns a
200 OK status unless otherwise specified, we have everything we need from the
type to create a response.
Yesod could have taken the approach of requiring users to always return
from a handler function, but that would have required manually
converting to that type. Instead, Yesod uses a pair of typeclasses for this,
appropriately named ToContent
and ToTypedContent
. They have exactly the
definitions you’d expect:
class ToContent a where
toContent :: a -> Content
class ToContent a => ToTypedContent a where
toTypedContent :: a -> TypedContent
And Yesod provides instances for many common data types, including Text
, and aeson’s Value
type (containing JSON data). That’s how the
function was able to return Html
: Yesod knows how to convert it to
, and from there it can be converted into a WAI
HasContentType and representations
This typeclass approach allows for one other nice abstraction. For many types, the type system itself lets us know what the content-type for the content should be. For example, Html
will always be served with a text/html
Some requests to a web application can be displayed with various representation. For example, a request for tabular data could be served with:
An HTML table.
A CSV file.
JSON data to be consumed by some client-side Javascript.
The HTTP spec allows a client to specify its preference of representation via
the accept
request header. And Yesod allows a handler function to use the
function combo to provide multiple representations,
and have the framework automatically choose the appropriate one based on the
client headers.
The last missing piece to make this all work is the HasContentType
class ToTypedContent a => HasContentType a where
getContentType :: Monad m => m a -> ContentType
The parameter m a
is just a poor man’s Proxy
type. There are instances for
this typeclass for most data types supported by ToTypedContent
. Below is our
example from above, tweaked just a bit to provide multiple representations of
the data:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Wai (pathInfo)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Yesod.Core (HandlerT, Html, RenderRoute (..),
TypedContent, Value, Yesod,
YesodDispatch (..), getYesod,
notFound, object, provideRep,
selectRep, toWaiApp, yesodRunner,
-- | Our foundatation datatype.
data App = App
{ welcomeMessageHtml :: !Html
, welcomeMessageText :: !Text
, welcomeMessageJson :: !Value
instance Yesod App
instance RenderRoute App where
data Route App = HomeR -- just one accepted URL
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
renderRoute HomeR = ( [] -- empty path info, means "/"
, [] -- empty query string
getHomeR :: HandlerT App IO TypedContent
getHomeR = do
site <- getYesod
selectRep $ do
provideRep $ return $ welcomeMessageHtml site
provideRep $ return $ welcomeMessageText site
provideRep $ return $ welcomeMessageJson site
instance YesodDispatch App where
yesodDispatch yesodRunnerEnv req =
let maybeRoute =
case pathInfo req of
[] -> Just HomeR
_ -> Nothing
handler =
case maybeRoute of
Nothing -> notFound
Just HomeR -> getHomeR
in yesodRunner handler yesodRunnerEnv maybeRoute req
main :: IO ()
main = do
waiApp <- toWaiApp App
{ welcomeMessageHtml = H.p "Welcome to Yesod!"
, welcomeMessageText = "Welcome to Yesod!"
, welcomeMessageJson = object ["msg" .= ("Welcome to Yesod!" :: Text)]
run 3000 waiApp
Convenience warp
And one minor convenience you’ll see quite a bit in the Yesod world. It’s very
common to call toWaiApp
to create a WAI Application
, and then pass that to
Warp’s run
function. So Yesod provides a convenience warp
wrapper function.
We can replace our previous main
function with the following:
main :: IO ()
main =
warp 3000 App
{ welcomeMessageHtml = H.p "Welcome to Yesod!"
, welcomeMessageText = "Welcome to Yesod!"
, welcomeMessageJson = object ["msg" .= ("Welcome to Yesod!" :: Text)]
There’s also a warpEnv
function which reads the port number from the PORT
environment variable, which is useful for working with platforms such as FP
Haskell Center, or deployment tools like Keter.
Writing handlers
Since the vast majority of your application will end up living in the
monad transformer, it’s not surprising that there are quite a few
functions that work in that context. HandlerT
is an instance of many common
typeclasses, including MonadIO
, MonadTrans
, MonadBaseControl
and MonadResource
, and so can automatically take advantage of
those functionalities.
In addition to that standard functionality, the following are some common
categories of functions. The only requirement Yesod places on your handler
functions is that, ultimately, they return a type which is an instance of
This section is just a short overview of functionality. For more information, you should either look through the Haddocks, or read the rest of this book.
Getting request parameters
There are a few pieces of information provided by the client in a request:
The requested path. This is usually handled by Yesod’s routing framework, and is not directly queried in a handler function.
Query string parameters. This can be queried using
. -
Request bodies. In the case of URL encoded and multipart bodies, you can use
to get the request parameter. For multipart bodies, there’s alsolookupFile
for file parameters. -
Request headers can be queried via
. (And response headers can be set withaddHeader
.) -
Yesod parses cookies for you automatically, and they can be queried using
. (Cookies can be set via thesetCookie
function.) -
Finally, Yesod provides a user session framework, where data can be set in a cryptographically secure session and associated with each user. This can be queried and set using the functions
While you can use these functions directly for such purposes as processing forms, you usually will want to use the yesod-form library, which provides a higher level form abstraction based on applicative functors.
Short circuiting
In some cases, you’ll want to short circuit the handling of a request. Reasons for doing this would be:
Send an HTTP redirect, via the
function. This will default to using the 303 status code. You can useredirectWith
to get more control over this. -
Return a 404 not found with
, or a 405 bad method viabadMethod
. -
Indicate some error in the request via
, orinvalidArgs
. -
Send a special response, such as with
(to override the status 200 response code) -
to drop down a level of abstraction, bypass some Yesod abstractions, and use WAI itself.
So far, the examples of ToTypedContent
instances I gave all involved
non-streaming responses. Html
, Text
, and Value
all get converted into a
constructor. As such, they cannot interleave I/O with sending
data to the user. What happens if we want to perform such interleaving?
When we encountered this issue in WAI, we introduced the responseSource
method of constructing a response. Using sendWaiResponse
, we could reuse that
same method for creating a streaming response in Yesod. But there’s also a
simpler API for doing this: respondSource
. respondSource
takes two
parameters: the content type of the response, and a Source
of Flush
. Yesod also provides a number of convenience functions for creating
that Source
, such as sendChunk
, sendChunkBS
, and sendChunkText
Here’s an example, which just converts our initial responseSource
from WAI to Yesod.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 (fromShow)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Network.Wai (pathInfo)
import Yesod.Core (HandlerT, RenderRoute (..),
TypedContent, Yesod,
YesodDispatch (..), liftIO,
notFound, respondSource,
sendChunk, sendChunkBS,
sendChunkText, sendFlush,
warp, yesodRunner)
-- | Our foundatation datatype.
data App = App
instance Yesod App
instance RenderRoute App where
data Route App = HomeR -- just one accepted URL
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
renderRoute HomeR = ( [] -- empty path info, means "/"
, [] -- empty query string
getHomeR :: HandlerT App IO TypedContent
getHomeR = respondSource "text/plain" $ do
sendChunkBS "Starting streaming response.\n"
sendChunkText "Performing some I/O.\n"
-- pretend we're performing some I/O
liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000
sendChunkBS "I/O performed, here are some results.\n"
forM_ [1..50 :: Int] $ \i -> do
sendChunk $ fromByteString "Got the value: " <>
fromShow i <>
fromByteString "\n"
instance YesodDispatch App where
yesodDispatch yesodRunnerEnv req =
let maybeRoute =
case pathInfo req of
[] -> Just HomeR
_ -> Nothing
handler =
case maybeRoute of
Nothing -> notFound
Just HomeR -> getHomeR
in yesodRunner handler yesodRunnerEnv maybeRoute req
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 App
Dynamic parameters
Now that we’ve finished our detour into the details of the HandlerT
transformer, let’s get back to higher-level Yesod request processing. So far,
all of our examples have dealt with a single supported request route. Let’s
make this more interesting. We now want to have an application which serves
Fibonacci numbers. If you make a request to /fib/5
, it will return the fifth
Fibonacci number. And if you visit /
, it will automatically redirect you to
In the Yesod world, the first question to ask is: how do we model our route
data type? This is pretty straight-forward: data Route App = HomeR | FibR
. The question is: how do we want to define our RenderRoute
instance? We
need to convert the Int
to a Text
. What function should we use?
Before you answer that, realize that we’ll also need to be able to parse back a Text
into an Int
for dispatch purposes. So we need to make sure that we have a pair of functions with the property fromText . toText == Just
. Show
could be a candidate for this, except that:
We’d be required to convert through
. -
instances forText
both involve extra escaping, which we don’t want to incur.
Instead, the approach taken by Yesod is the path-pieces package, and in
particular the PathPiece
typeclass, defined as:
class PathPiece s where
fromPathPiece :: Text -> Maybe s
toPathPiece :: s -> Text
Using this typeclass, we can write parse and render functions for our route datatype:
instance RenderRoute App where
data Route App = HomeR | FibR Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
renderRoute HomeR = ([], [])
renderRoute (FibR i) = (["fib", toPathPiece i], [])
parseRoute' [] = Just HomeR
parseRoute' ["fib", i] = FibR <$> fromPathPiece i
parseRoute' _ = Nothing
And then we can write our YesodDispatch
typeclass instance:
instance YesodDispatch App where
yesodDispatch yesodRunnerEnv req =
let maybeRoute = parseRoute' (pathInfo req)
handler =
case maybeRoute of
Nothing -> notFound
Just HomeR -> getHomeR
Just (FibR i) -> getFibR i
in yesodRunner handler yesodRunnerEnv maybeRoute req
getHomeR = redirect (FibR 1)
fibs :: [Int]
fibs = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs
getFibR i = return $ show $ fibs !! i
Notice our call to redirect
in getHomeR
. We’re able to use the route
datatype as the parameter to redirect
, and Yesod takes advantage of our
function to create a textual link.
Routing with Template Haskell
Now let’s suppose we want to add a new route to our previous application. We’d have to make the following changes:
Modify the
datatype itself. -
Add a clause to
. -
Add a clause to
, and make sure it corresponds correctly torenderRoute
. -
Add a clause to the case statement in
to call our handler function. -
Write our handler function.
That’s a lot of changes! And lots of manual, boilerplate changes means lots of
potential for mistakes. Some of the mistakes can be caught by the compiler if
you turn on warnings (forgetting to add a clause in renderRoute
or a match in
's case statement), but others cannot (ensuring that
and parseRoute
have the same logic, or adding the parseRoute
This is where Template Haskell comes into the Yesod world. Instead of dealing with all of these changes manually, Yesod declares a high level routing syntax. This syntax lets you specify your route syntax, dynamic parameters, constructor names, and accepted request methods, and automatically generates parse, render, and dispatch functions.
To get an idea of how much manual coding this saves, have a look at our previous example converted to the Template Haskell version:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Yesod.Core (RenderRoute (..), Yesod, mkYesod, parseRoutes,
redirect, warp)
-- | Our foundatation datatype.
data App = App
instance Yesod App
mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes|
/ HomeR GET
/fib/#Int FibR GET
getHomeR :: Handler ()
getHomeR = redirect (FibR 1)
fibs :: [Int]
fibs = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs
getFibR :: Int -> Handler String
getFibR i = return $ show $ fibs !! i
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 App
What’s wonderful about this is, as the developer, you can now focus on the important part of your application, and not get involved in the details of writing parsers and renderers. There are of course some downsides to the usage of Template Haskell:
Compile times are a bit slower.
The details of what’s going on behind the scenes aren’t easily apparent. (Though you can use
cabal haddock
to see what identifiers have been generated for you.) -
You don’t have as much fine-grained control. For example, in the Yesod route syntax, each dynamic parameter has to be a separate field in the route constructor, as opposed to bundling fields together. This is a conscious trade-off in Yesod between flexibility and complexity.
This usage of Template Haskell is likely the most controversial decision in
Yesod. I personally think the benefits definitely justify its usage. But if
you’d rather avoid Template Haskell, you’re free to do so. Every example so far
in this appendix has done so, and you can follow those techniques. We also have
another, simpler approach in the Yesod world: LiteApp
allows you to throw away type safe URLs and Template Haskell. It uses
a simple routing DSL in pure Haskell. Once again, as a simple comparison, let’s
rewrite our Fibonacci example to use it.
import Data.Text (pack)
import Yesod.Core (LiteHandler, dispatchTo, dispatchTo, liteApp,
onStatic, redirect, warp, withDynamic)
getHomeR :: LiteHandler ()
getHomeR = redirect "/fib/1"
fibs :: [Int]
fibs = 0 : scanl (+) 1 fibs
getFibR :: Int -> LiteHandler String
getFibR i = return $ show $ fibs !! i
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ liteApp $ do
dispatchTo getHomeR
onStatic (pack "fib") $ withDynamic $ \i -> dispatchTo (getFibR i)
There you go, a simple Yesod app without any language extensions at all!
However, even this application still demonstrates some type safety. Yesod will
use fromPathPiece
to convert the parameter for getFibR
from Text
to an
, so any invalid parameter will be got by Yesod itself. It’s just one less
piece of checking that you have to perform.
While generating plain text pages can be fun, it’s hardly what one normally expects from a web framework. As you’d hope, Yesod comes built in with support for generating HTML, CSS and Javascript as well.
Before we get into templating languages, let’s do it the raw, low-level way, and then build up to something a bit more pleasant.
import Data.Text (pack)
import Yesod.Core
getHomeR :: LiteHandler TypedContent
getHomeR = return $ TypedContent typeHtml $ toContent
"<html><head><title>Hi There!</title>\
\<link rel='stylesheet' href='/style.css'>\
\<script src='/script.js'></script></head>\
\<body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"
getStyleR :: LiteHandler TypedContent
getStyleR = return $ TypedContent typeCss $ toContent
"h1 { color: red }"
getScriptR :: LiteHandler TypedContent
getScriptR = return $ TypedContent typeJavascript $ toContent
"alert('Yay, Javascript works too!');"
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ liteApp $ do
dispatchTo getHomeR
onStatic (pack "style.css") $ dispatchTo getStyleR
onStatic (pack "script.js") $ dispatchTo getScriptR
We’re just reusing all of the TypedContent
stuff we’ve already learnt. We now
have three separate routes, providing HTML, CSS and Javascript. We write our
content as String
s, convert them to Content
using toContent
, then wrap
them with a TypedContent
constructor to give them the appropriate
content-type headers.
But as usual, we can do better. Dealing with String
s is not very efficient,
and it’s tedious to have to manually put in the content type all the time. But
we already know the solution to those problems: use the Html
datatype from
. Let’s convert our getHomeR
function to use it:
import Data.Text (pack)
import Text.Blaze.Html5 (toValue, (!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Yesod.Core
getHomeR :: LiteHandler Html
getHomeR = return $ H.docTypeHtml $ do
H.head $ do
H.title $ toHtml "Hi There!" ! A.rel (toValue "stylesheet") ! A.href (toValue "/style.css")
H.script ! A.src (toValue "/script.js") $ return ()
H.body $ do
H.h1 $ toHtml "Hello World!"
getStyleR :: LiteHandler TypedContent
getStyleR = return $ TypedContent typeCss $ toContent
"h1 { color: red }"
getScriptR :: LiteHandler TypedContent
getScriptR = return $ TypedContent typeJavascript $ toContent
"alert('Yay, Javascript works too!');"
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ liteApp $ do
dispatchTo getHomeR
onStatic (pack "style.css") $ dispatchTo getStyleR
onStatic (pack "script.js") $ dispatchTo getScriptR
Ahh, far nicer. blaze-html
provides a convenient combinator library, and will
execute far faster in most cases than whatever String
concatenation you might
If you’re happy with blaze-html
combinators, by all means use them. However,
many people like to use a more specialized templating language. Yesod’s
standard provider for this is the Shakespearean languages: Hamlet, Lucius, and
Julius. You are by all means welcome to use a different system if so desired,
the only requirement is that you can a Content
value from the template.
Since Shakespearean templates on compile-time checked, their usage requires either quasiquotation or Template Haskell. We’ll go for the former approach here. Please see the Shakespeare chapter in the book for more information.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Text.Julius (Javascript)
import Text.Lucius (Css)
import Yesod.Core
getHomeR :: LiteHandler Html
getHomeR = giveUrlRenderer $
$doctype 5
<title>Hi There!
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>
<script src=/script.js>
<h1>Hello World!
getStyleR :: LiteHandler Css
getStyleR = giveUrlRenderer [lucius|h1 { color: red }|]
getScriptR :: LiteHandler Javascript
getScriptR = giveUrlRenderer [julius|alert('Yay, Javascript works too!');|]
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ liteApp $ do
dispatchTo getHomeR
onStatic (pack "style.css") $ dispatchTo getStyleR
onStatic (pack "script.js") $ dispatchTo getScriptR
URL rendering function
Likely the most confusing part of this is the giveUrlRenderer
calls. This
gets into one of the most powerful features of Yesod: type-safe URLs. If you
notice in our HTML, we’re providing links to the CSS and Javascript URLs via
strings. This leads to a duplication of that information, as in our main
function we have to provide those strings a second time. This is very fragile:
our codebase is one refactor away from having broken links.
The recommended approach instead would be to use our type-safe URL datatype in
our template instead of including explicit strings. As mentioned above,
doesn’t provide any meaningful type-safe URLs, so we don’t have that
option here. But if you use the Template Haskell generators, you get type-safe
URLs for free.
In any event, the Shakespearean templates all expect to receive a function to
handle the rendering of a type-safe URL. Since we don’t actually use any
type-safe URLs, just about any function would work here (the function will be
ignored entirely), but giveUrlRenderer
is a convenient way of doing this.
As we’ll see next, giveUrlRenderer
isn’t really needed most of the time,
since Widgets end up providing the renderer function for us automatically.
Dealing with HTML, CSS and Javascript as individual components can be nice in many cases. However, when you want to build up reusable components for a page, it can get in the way of composability. If you want more motivation for why widgets are useful, please see the widget chapter. For now, let’s just dig into using them.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Yesod.Core
getHomeR :: LiteHandler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
setTitle $ toHtml "Hi There!"
[whamlet|<h1>Hello World!|]
toWidget [lucius|h1 { color: red }|]
toWidget [julius|alert('Yay, Javascript works too!');|]
main :: IO ()
main = warp 3000 $ liteApp $ dispatchTo getHomeR
This is the same example as above, but we’ve now condensed it into a single
handler. Yesod will automatically handle providing the CSS and Javascript to
the HTML. By default, it will place them in style
and script
tags in the
and body
of the page, respectively, but Yesod provides many
customization settings to do other things (such as automatically creating
temporary static files and linking to them).
Widgets also have another advantage. The defaultLayout
function is a member
of the Yesod
typeclass, and can be modified to provide a customized
look-and-feel for your website. Many built-in pieces of Yesod, such as error
messages, take advantage of the widget system, so by using widgets, you get a
consistent feel throughout your site.
WAI middlewares
These are functions of type type Middleware = Application → Application
, and they do some kind of arbitrary transformation to an application, such as enabling GZIP compression or logging requests.