I was speaking with my coworker Yitz about a project he's working on. Basically, he's going to end up with about 16 cabal packages that are not going to be deployed to Hackage, and wanted us to set up a Hackage server for our company to deploy these kinds of things. However, getting all the pieces of Hackage aligned properly for such a simple use case seemed a bit overkill.
I then realized that I had the exact same problem during Yesod development: before I make a major release, I usually end up with about 10-15 packages that are not yet live on Hackage. It gets to be a real pain when suddenly wai-extra is depending on network 2.3 and authenticate requires network 2.2, and suddenly I need to manually recompile 10 packages.
So I decided to write up a simple web service to act as a local Hackage server. It has no security (anyone with access can upload a package), doesn't build haddocks, doesn't show package descriptions, etc. All it does is:
- Show a list of uploaded packages/versions
- Links to the tarballs
- Allows you to upload new versions, which will automatically overwrite existing packages
- Provides the 00-index.tar.gz file needed by cabal-install, as well as the tarballs for all the packages
In order to use this, just do the following:
- cabal install yackage
- run "yackage"
- Upload your packages
- Add
remote-repo: yackage:http://localhost:3500/
to your ~/.cabal/config file - cabal update
- Install your packages are usual
You'll need to leave yackage running whenever you want to run an update or download new packages. A few other usage notes:
- If you overwrite a package, your cache folder will still have the old version. You might want to just wipe our your cache folder on each usage.
- Running cabal update will download the update for both yackage and the main hackage server; the latter can be a long process depending on your internet connection.
Here's a little shell script that will disable the Hackage repo, wipe our the Yackage cache, update and re-enable the Hackage repo:
cp $CABAL_DIR/config $CABAL_DIR/config.sav
sed 's/^remote-repo: hackage/--remote-repo: hackage/' < $CABAL_DIR/config.sav > $CABAL_DIR/config
rm -rf $CABAL_DIR/packages/yackage
cabal update
cp $CABAL_DIR/config.sav $CABAL_DIR/config
I hope others find this tool useful.