Fixing the Monad instance for Either

March 32, 2016

GravatarBy Michael Snoyman

Over the years, much has been said about Either-like Monad instances. To summarize our history, we've had:

  • No Monad instance at all for Either
  • An orphan Monad instance in transformers that used the Error class
  • A Monad instance for Either in base without an Error constraint
  • The ErrorT transformer, which introduces the Error class constraints
  • The EitherT transformer from the eithert package
  • The newer ExceptT transformer, which greatly improves on EitherT by giving it a more intuitive name

I'm not going to dive into all of these points, I merely raise them to stress the idea of how many approaches have been attempted to get this right. I'd like to explain how our current situation is wrong, how we can do much better, and propose that – despite the large impact on all Haskell users out there to make such a change – we should finally fix our library ecosystem correctly, once and for all.

The broken fail function

The real crux of the matter here is that, as everyone knows, the Monad instance for Either is exclusively used for representing some kind of error/failure/exception/etc (all those terms are, of course, synonymous). In the past, with the Error constraint, we had a valid implementation of the fail method for Either, which meant this vital method was properly implemented. Unfortunately now, we have fail = error for Either, preventing us from doing proper exception handling without resorting to more complex tricks.

The problem with Error

If we look at the definition of the Error typeclass, we'll see two methods:

class Error a where
    noMsg :: a
    strMsg :: String -> a

However, there's a perfectly good implementation of noMsg in terms of strMsg: noMsg = strMsg "". So really, our Error typeclass boils down to just one method of type String -> a. Once we realize that, it turns out that there's a far more appropriate typeclass already present in base to represent errors:

class IsString a where
    fromString :: String -> a

The proper Monad Either instance

So now we can define a proper Monad instance for Either:

instance IsString e => Monad (Either e) where
    return = ...
    (>>=) = ...

    fail = Left . fromString

This allows us to recover a properly behaving fail function, restoring sanity to our world.

Either for arbitrary error types

The final issue we may wish to address is allowing Either to work for arbitrary types. We can do so by leveraging overlapping instances, one of the most powerful and ubiquitous language extensions available in GHC. Using Typeable, we can generate truly beautiful error messages for our usage of Either. Below is a proof of concept demonstrating how we can fully fix our Either situation in GHC.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable

data Either' a b = Left' a | Right' b
    deriving (Functor, Show)

instance Applicative (Either' a) where
    pure = Right'

    Left' a <*> _ = Left' a
    Right' _ <*> Left' a = Left' a
    Right' f <*> Right' x = Right' (f x)

instance IsString a => Monad (Either' a) where
    return = pure
    (>>) = (*>)

    Left' e >>= _ = Left' e
    Right' x >>= f = f x

    fail = Left' . fromString

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Typeable a => IsString a where
    fromString s =
        res = error $ concat
            [ "No specific IsString instance for "
            , show $ typeRep $ Just res
            , ", when converting string: "
            , s

main :: IO ()
main = do
    print (fail "failure 1" :: Either' String Int)
    print ((do
        Just x <- return Nothing
        return x) :: Either' String Int)
    print ((do
        Just x <- return Nothing
        return x) :: Either' Int Int)

What's next

I'm sure most of you are in full agreement with me at this point that this is our only way forward. Hopefully we can have a quick discussion period on the libraries@ list, and get this into base in time for GHC 8, which is currently on release candidate 37.


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