Efficient directory traversals

March 20, 2014

GravatarBy Michael Snoyman

I've just released a new version of conduit-combinators which adds two new functions: sourceDirectory and sourceDirectoryDeep. The former lists all of the children of a given directory, and the latter traverses deeply into a directory tree and lists all of the files present.

To see how this is used, consider the following simple example, which prints out the total number of files in the current directory tree. (Note: the False parameter means not to traverse symlinks to directories.)

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Conduit

main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT (sourceDirectoryDeep False "." $$ lengthC) >>= print

Note that this is equivalent to running find . -type f | wc -l.

This new function supersedes Data.Conduit.Filesystem.traverse, which uses more memory. To give you an idea of the difference, for a directory structure with 3361 files, traverse uses a maximum residency of 957KB, whereas sourceDirectoryDeep uses a maximum of 48KB.

In the implementation of traverse, the entire contents of a directory are read into memory as a list, and then each entry is analyzed one at a time. If the entry is a file, it is yielded, and then can be garbage collected. But if the entry is a directory, that directory must then be traversed, at which point both the remaining contents from the parent directory, and the contents of the new directory, are in memory simultaneously. By contrast, in sourceDirectoryDeep, only a single file path is read into memory at a given time.

Even if you're just doing shallow traversals, you can get a memory improvement by using sourceDirectory instead of getDirectoryContents.

Deprecating filesystem-conduit

At this point, I'm also deprecating filesystem-conduit, as all of its functionality is represented in conduit-combinators. I'm actually hoping to consolidate a few other packages over the coming weeks in an effort to simplify dependency trees a bit. I'll post on the subject when I have some more concrete plans.


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