Updated conduit docs

June 1, 2012

GravatarBy Michael Snoyman

Over the past few versions, various portions of conduit documentation has ended up on this blog, in the Yesod book, in Mezzo Haskell, or the Haddocks themselves. It's become a bit of a mess.

So following on the excellent example of pipes, I've decided to consolidate a lot of this information into the Haddocks. I've generated the Haddocks and made them available online if anyone wants to have a look.

Note that this documentation reflects the upcoming conduit 0.5. This code has not yet been released to Hackage, as it needs more testing and more feedback. I'm hoping this post will help encourage the latter :).

Garbiel and I have been discussing some possible changes to conduit offline, and the discussion on Reddit on Paolo's blog post has been very informative.

In addition to the changes I mentioned last time, I've put in a few more changes to the conduit codebase (mostly based on Gabriel's advice):

  • The main Data.Conduit module will no longer expose the internals of the Pipe datatype. Instead, a few primitives are exposed, and (hopefully) everything else can be implemented in terms of those. So far, I've been able to rewrite all of the .List, .Text, and .Binary functions using that interface, which is very encouraging.
  • Instead of manually dealing with resource finalization via the constructors, a few combinators (addCleanup and bracketP) should provide all the capabilities necessary.
  • I've relocated most of the "utility" functions (e.g., conduitState, sourceIO) to a separate Data.Conduit.Util module. These functions are less efficient and more clumsy than the primary interface. I'm not (yet) removing these functions, but am considering deprecating them.


To deal with the fact that Pipes don't automatically terminate, I've modified the Pipe yield function (now named tryYield). It now has type:

o -> Pipe i o m r -> Pipe i o m r

The distinction is that, instead of specifying the next Pipe to run via monadic composition, it is now specified via the second argument. In other words, we can rewrite:

infinite = yield () >> infinite


infinite = tryYield () infinite

The difference is that the first one really won't ever terminate: monadic binding indicates that the following Pipe must always run. With tryYield, it will only be run if the downstream Pipe is still accepting input. I believe this should remove a landmine from the conduit API.


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