Using Ajax with a Scaffolded Site
This is cookbook recipe, also available from the Wiki.
A common scenario is that part of an application requires Ajax, while the rest is based on dynamically generated HTML. The core functionality of Yesod includes everything you need to implement this, but the scaffolding leans more towards the HTML side, especially in its handling of login and its reporting of errors. However, the default functions can easily be overridden with more general ones which handle Ajax properly. This article explains how.
In what follows, I look at
- Customising error handling to avoid sending HTML error pages in response to an Ajax request.
- Customising authentication to avoid or mitigate redirections when responding to an Ajax request.
- Testing using
. - An example handler and client-side code, to illustrate the choices on which the rest of the discussion is based.
A caveat
To give concrete examples, I have had to make choices about the way Ajax calls are done. To be specific, I use jQuery in about the simplest way possible, which means that:
- Data is sent to the server as a set of form fields, with one parameter for each top-level attribute of the JavaScript object being sent.
- The response can be text or JSON, as long as it is consistent with the
setting of the
in the Ajax call on the client side. - For an error response, with an HTTP error status, reading the body as text is an easy option for the client.
- The requests include a header
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
You may want to make different choices, such as sending JSON data in all requests and responses. The details will change, but the main points I am talking about here will remain valid.
An example Yesod handler, and the corresponding client-side code, are given in the appendix at the end to illustrate these choices, and generally motivate the discussion.
I should also mention that issues #478 and #479 on GitHub discuss related issues, but not really the detailed scenario I have chosen here.
Error Handler
The first problem to look at is error handling. The example code shown later
can raise a 404 error if the database entry is not found at all, and a
error if the user is trying to use someone else's
clipboard. Errors like these short-circuit the handler and return a result
using the errorHandler
function of the Yesod
The scaffolded site is set up to use the default error handler. This produces
a brief HTML message in a page formatted by defaultLayout
, and is probably
not what we want in response to an Ajax request!
To change it, we need to implement the errorHandler
method of the Yesod
typeclass, rather than using the default setting. It is normal Handler code,
and takes an ErrorResponse
(see the documentation for Yesod.Handler
), so we
need to write something like this in Foundation.hs
import Network.HTTP.Types (mkStatus)
import Network.Wai (Request(..))
import Data.Text (append, pack, unwords)
import Control.Monad (when)
instance Yesod App where
errorHandler errorResponse = do
$(logWarn) (append "Error Response: "
$ pack (show errorResponse))
req <- waiRequest
let reqwith = lookup "X-Requested-With" $ requestHeaders req
errorText NotFound = (404, "Not Found", "Sorry, not found")
errorText (InternalError msg) = (400, "Bad Request", msg)
errorText (InvalidArgs m) = (400, "Bad Request", unwords m)
errorText (PermissionDenied msg) = (403, "Forbidden", msg)
errorText (BadMethod _) = (405, "Method Not Allowed",
"Method not supported")
when (maybe False (== "XMLHttpRequest") reqwith) $ do
let (code, brief, full) = errorText errorResponse
(mkStatus code brief)
$ RepPlain $ toContent $ append "Error: " full
defaultErrorHandler errorResponse
The critical part of this is recognising the Ajax call by the X-Requested-With
header. If you are using a different Ajax setup, you might need to look for
something different, of course, but this one works for jQuery.
In the Ajax case, we produce a plain text response, which is what I chose as
easiest in our example scenario - if you prefer JSON, then feel free to produce
it here. If the request is not Ajax, we call the defaultErrorHandler
which is what would have been used if we had not done any of this.
If you have been watching, you will have noticed that I also sneaked in some logging - it is entirely optional, but I think it is helpful.
The other issue which arises when working with Ajax is the way redirection occurs when a user needs to log in during an Ajax request.
The first thing that happens is a redirection to the login page.
This uses a 303 status code, and so cannot be trapped in JavaScript - the
browser itself automatically follows it. So we will be redirected to a
login page. More precisely, we arrive at the loginHandler
of the YesodAuth
instance. Our problem, just as in the error handler, is that we do not want
it to generate an HTML login form if this happens when handling an Ajax request.
Therefore, in the YesodAuth
instance, we implement the loginHandler
rather than accepting the default, again in Foundation.hs
instance YesodAuth App where
loginHandler = do
tm <- getRouteToMaster
master <- getYesod
req <- waiRequest
let reqwith = lookup "X-Requested-With" $ requestHeaders req
when (maybe False (== "XMLHttpRequest") reqwith) $ do
(mkStatus 403 "Forbidden")
$ RepPlain $ toContent ("Login required" :: Text)
let title = renderMessage master ["en"] MsgSiteTitle
defaultLayout $ do
setTitleI title
mapM_ (flip apLogin tm) (authPlugins master)
As before, we recognise an Ajax request from the X-Requested-With
For Ajax we produce an error instead of a login page, leaving the client-side
code to decide how to tidy up and get the user to a place where they can log in.
There are a few subtleties here. Firstly, we use a 403 response in the Ajax
case. 401 would not be a good choice, since it would be an invitation to
do HTTP authentication, not session-based login. However 403 has the
complication that it also gets used for other permissionDenied
(see above). This is resolved by taking a little care to ensure that the
two cases are unambiguously distinguished by the start of the message,
so that the client code can handle them appropriately.
The next subtlety concerns the "ultimate destination" - see the
Sessions chapter of the Yesod Book.
The ultimate destination is set in a couple of places in Yesod, and only one
of them is controlled by the setting of redirectToReferer
(in the
typeclass). In most situations we cannot avoid it being set.
The problem is that a successful login is followed by a redirection to the
ultimate destination, and in an Ajax situation, this can result in being
redirected, using GET, back to a resource which should be accessed with POST
or PUT, for example. To avoid this, we just clear the ultimate destination
in all cases - if you want to be more selective, remember that it is stored in
the session, so it survives between requests until it is cleared or used.
Finally, the call to defaultLayout
generates the login form for the
non-Ajax case. It is essentially copied from the default login handler
declared in the YesodAuth
typeclass in Yesod.Auth
. I have moved few things
outside, and I have used a site title set in our messages file(s) rather
than the one from Yesod.Auth.Message
. This is one place you can modify the
HTML generated, for example by wrapping each authentication widget in a
with a recognisable id
so that you can apply CSS styles.
It is a good idea to write some tests, and it is easy to do with Yesod.Test
To construct an Ajax request (of the sort I have been dealing with), we need
to set up the parameters, and make an HTTP request which includes the correct
header. Here is one reasonably general function for doing
it, which assumes that any data is provided as a Map whose keys mirror the
attributes of the JavaScript object used on the real client:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
ajaxRequest :: StdMethod -> B.ByteString -> Map.Map Text Text
-> OneSpec conn ()
ajaxRequest method url datacontent = do
let params = mapM_ (uncurry byName) $ Map.toList datacontent
doRequestHeaders (renderStdMethod method)
[("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")]
is a very recent addition to Yesod.Test
. If you want to
use it at the moment, you will need to pick up the latest version from
GitHub - you can simply make a local copy of Test.hs
and import that.
gives us a way of getting at the raw response body. Any
decoding needs to be allowed for explcitly, which in our example means
remembering that the body is utf-8 encoded.
We write two separate top-level specs, so that we can control the
order - the ordering of the it
specs within a single describe
probably not what you expect.
testdata = "A unicode string\x2122"
url = "/clipboard/..." -- In a real example, get this from the server
clipSpecs1 :: Specs
clipSpecs1 = describe "The clipboard (part 1)" $ do
it "can be set" $ do
ajaxRequest PUT url $ Map.fromList [ ("clip", testdata) ]
statusIs 200
clipSpecs2 :: Specs
clipSpecs2 = describe "The clipboard (part 2)" $ do
it "can be read, producing the utf-8 encoding of what we stored" $ do
ajaxRequest GET url Map.empty
bodyEquals $ map (chr . fromIntegral)
(B.unpack $ encodeUtf8 testdata)
statusIs 200
Actually that is not quite all: for our running example we need to log in in
each it
spec. A recipe for packaging that is the subject of
another cookbook article.
Appendix: Example handler and client-side code
This simple handler, and matching JavaScript, motivates the assumptions made in the discussion above, and also just might help someone get started!
In this example, users have to be logged in, and by the time we reach the
handler function, this has already been checked because of a suitable
definition of isAuthorized
in the Yesod
instance in Foundation.hs
For more on authentication and authorization, see the
Yesod Book.
Each user has a persistent clipboard for cutting and pasting things, which for
our present purposes can be taken as unicode strings. The server simply stores
the data and returns it to the client when requested, so we need read and write
operations, which rather naturally map onto HTTP GET and PUT methods. They will
act on entries in a database table, defined like this in config/models
user UserId -- Who owns this clipboard
data Text -- The data
UniqueCbUser user
Elsewhere in the application, a single clipboard entry is set up for each user, but for this example we can just assume that it exists.
The route is
/clipboard/#ClipBoardId ClipboardR GET PUT
and the handler code is
module Handler.Clipboard (
) where
import Import
import Yesod.Auth (requireAuthId)
import Control.Monad (when)
checkEntry :: ClipBoardId -> Handler ClipBoard
checkEntry cbid = do
userid <- requireAuthId -- Auth already checked, but we need userid
cb <- runDB $ get404 cbid
when (clipBoardUser cb /= userid) $
permissionDenied "Incorrect user - did you invent the URL?"
return cb
getClipboardR :: ClipBoardId -> Handler RepPlain
getClipboardR cbid = do
cb <- checkEntry cbid
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ clipBoardData cb
putClipboardR :: ClipBoardId -> Handler ()
putClipboardR cbid = do
_ <- checkEntry cbid
d <- runInputPost $ ireq textField "clip"
runDB $ update cbid [ClipBoardData =. d]
There are a few things to notice here:
- In the GET handler, the response is simply a utf-8 encoded string sent with
does the utf-8 encoding forText
). - The PUT handler uses an "Input Form" (see the Forms chapter of the Yesod
Book). In this case there is a single
parameter to decode as
, but if we had sent a more complex structure on the JavaScript side, there would have been further form fields here. - Two errors can occur, both most likely caused by not following the official URL. In a real application, the URL would have been provided by the server, so these errors should not occur unless a user types a URL by hand.
Finally, glossing over the way the client gets hold of the URL, jQuery code can send data like this:
$.ajax ({ type: "PUT",
url: "/clipboard/" + clipid,
data: { clip: clipdata },
dataType: "text",
success: function () { alert ("It worked") },
error: function (jqxhr) {
alert ("error response: " + jqxhr.responseText);
and get it back again this way:
$.ajax ({ type: "GET",
url: "/clipboard/" + clipid,
dataType: "text",
success: function (data) {
alert ("The data was: " + data);
error: function (jqxhr) {
alert ("error response: " + jqxhr.responseText);