Changes to scaffolding system

November 7, 2012

GravatarBy Michael Snoyman

I've just pushed some significant changes to Hackage for the yesod executable. These changes fall into two categories: an improved yesod devel experience and better scaffolding. The former is by far the cooler feature, and will hopefully be covered in another blog post soon. This blog post covers the second feature.

I have purposely not yet updated yesod-platform to include this new executable, as I still consider it somewhat experimental. It would be great if everyone could install this new version and test it out. Doing so should be as simple as:

cabal update
cabal install yesod-1.1.3

If you run into any problems, please report them.


In the past few days, I've pushed a major overhaul to how the Yesod scaffolding system works. The scaffolded site itself remains mostly unchanged, but the manner in which the code is stored and generated is completely different.

Under the new system, there is a dedicated scaffolding repo on Github. There is a separate branch for each scaffolding option, e.g. PostgreSQL versus MongoDB. Throughout the scaffolding source, the word PROJECTNAME (whether in the file name or file contents) can be treated as a variable; it will automatically be replaced by the actual project name specified by the user.

Since each version is its own repo, synchronizing changes is as simple as a git merge. I consider the PostgreSQL version the master branch, and merging changes from there to all other versions. Testing is also greatly simplified: you can just build the code like a normal project, and when you're done, commit your changes. There's no need to go through an extra "run the scaffolder" step. Due to this simplification, it's now possible to reinstate a feature we used to have: a scaffolded site without a database.

Once we have a set of scaffoldings, we run a special tool based on project-template (discussed below) to generate a single file containing our entire scaffolded site. We get one of these files for each version of the scaffolding (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc) and then compile them into the yesod executable. The yesod executable then uses project-template itself to unpack those files.

To me, the main advantages of this move are:

  1. It's much easier to test out new ideas: just fork the scaffolding repo.
  2. Likewise, making modifications to the scaffolding is just a pull request away.
  3. It's much easier to maintain drastically different scaffoldings.
  4. We've removed a bunch of hairy code from the yesod executable.
  5. Users can now specify URLs containing scaffolded sites, lowering the barrier to entry for experimentation.

To prove that last point, I've created a test branch for including Fay support in the scaffolding, and placed the scaffolding file at

If you run yesod init, take the url option, and provide that address, you can start to play with yesod-fay right now.

Project Template

As a first step towards the collaborative Haskell IDE project, I stated I was going to be working on a project-template library for providing a single format for different IDEs and scaffolding tools to represent project templates. The initial version is now ready, and is being used in our codebase at FP Complete. I'm hoping other IDE projects are able to take advantage of it to.

I initially had lots of grandiose plans for conditional text, conditional files, etc. As you may have guessed based on this blog post, after careful consideration, I've decided that such a system is overkill. Instead, I've elected to go for a very simple file format (see, for example, postgres-fay.hsfiles linked above).

This format is just a simple piece of text, with special START_FILE pragmas to specify where a new file starts. Binary files can be included via base64-encoding. And that's really it. What's cool here is that it opens the door for uses beyond creating scaffoldings. For example, I could imagine a runghc wrapper (or perhaps a feature added to GHC itself) that would automatically unpack a file into multiple logical subfiles and then run them.

The library is available on Hackage. Feedback welcome!

