The core flaw of pipes and conduit

October 9, 2013

GravatarBy Michael Snoyman

This blog post has actually been through many iterations as I've investigated the problems more thoroughly. After looking at the various examples I'll be bringing below quite a bit, I've come to a conclusion: there is just one single design decision in pipes which leads to the problems I'll describe. And conduit has inherited half of this issue, leading to it getting some of these issues as well (and in some cases different issues).

In this blog post, I'm hoping to motivate the fact that there is actually a problem. I've been working on some experimental code in conduit which changes this design, thereby simplifying the internal structure, keeping all of its current features, and solving the two ways in which conduit currently does not follow the category laws. I'll describe all of these issues in this post, and save the new design for my next post.

Note that, while this blog post was actually written first, it can be considered a continuation of my previous blog post, which gives some very concrete examples of the resource issues I raise below.

Goal of this series

Since some people seemed to misunderstand my purpose with this series, let me make it crystal clear: pipes promises a lot of elegance in dealing with streaming data, whereas conduit includes functionality which has been demanded in real world code. Many people have asked me if there is some way to merge these two advantages, usually asking if conduit can be built on top of pipes. I started that investigation, and came away with the answer "no" based on the points below. However, with the change I'll be describing, I think there's a very good chance for finding a common solution for the goals of both packages.

The flaw: automatic termination

If you look at the core concepts of pipes (e.g., the Pipe datatype in pipes 1.0), things are very simple. A Pipe can yield a value downstream, await for a value from upstream, perform a monadic action, and complete processing. This core is simpler than conduit's core, which includes leftovers and finalizers, as well as failure when awaiting from upstream.

However, this simplicity includes a heavy cost: there's no way to detect termination of a stream. As soon as one component of a pipeline terminates, the rest of the pipeline terminates also. This behavior can be convenient in many ways; the identity pipe, for example, is expressed simply as forever $ await >>= yield. However, this decision ends up pushing complexity into many other parts of the ecosystem, and in some cases makes proper behavior impossible to achieve.

conduit is not immune to this issue. conduit does not have automatic termination on the consuming side, but does have it on the producing side.

I've held off on commenting on these limitations in pipes previosly, since until recently pipes has not provided any form of solution for many of the problems I'm going to raise. With the advent of pipes-bytestring, pipes-parse, and pipes-safe, there's enough of a solution available to make a meaningful analysis. After looking at these solutions, my conclusion is:

  • pipes has removed complexity from its core. However, this hasn't in fact solved complexity, it's merely pushed the complexity to other helper libraries. In my opinion, the overall solution is far more complex than a single consistent solution would be.

  • In trying to solve some of these problems outside of the core, pipes has lost many of its touted principles, such as easy composition.

  • And in some cases, the layered pipes solution does not actually provide the guarantees we'd expect. Said another way, pipes is buggy.

The remainder of this post will be examples of limitations in pipes and conduit that result from this functionality. Note that, even though most of the issues I raise have workarounds, I will not be discussing those in general. My goal is to point out that the core abstraction is deficient, not address possible workarounds.

pipes: How do I fold?

conduit provides a single abstraction which addresses all of the data processing functionality it supports. You get prompt resource handling, chunked data support, and the ability to fold over an input stream. In pipes, these are all handled by a separate abstraction. To clarify what I mean, compare the type signatures for a summing sink (receives all input values and adds them up) and a printing sink (i.e., prints all input to stdout) in conduit:

sum :: (Monad m, Num a) => Consumer a m a
print :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Consumer a m ()

Notice how both of these are conceptually the same: they are both consumers, which can be composed with other conduits in the normal way (i.e. the =$= operator and monadic bind). Now compare the types in pipes:

sum :: (Monad m, Num a) => Producer a m () -> m a
print :: MonadIO m => Show a => Consumer' a m r

These two things are fundamentally different. The first is a function that takes a data producer and processes it. It does not get to take advantage of normal composition (though that can be achieved by instead composing on the producer). pipes has these two separate approaches for processing a stream of data, and each must be used at different points.

To understand why this is the case, let's look at a simplistic implementation of sum in conduit:

sum =
    loop 0
    loop x = await >>= maybe (return x) (\y -> loop $! x + y)

The await function returns a Maybe value. If upstream has no more output, then the sum function is notified with a Nothing value, and can return the sum it has computed. In pipes, however, if upstream closes, await will simply never return.

pipes: Dummy return values

You could implement a limited sum function in pipes, such as "add up the first 10 elements." This would look something like this (I'm specializing to Integer to help the explanation later):

sum :: Monad m
    => Int -- ^ total values to add
    -> Consumer' Integer m Integer
sum count0 =
    loop count0 0
    loop 0 total = return total
    loop count total = await >>= \i -> loop (count - 1) (total + i)

That's simple enough. In fact, it's even simpler than the conduit version, since it doesn't need to pay attention to whether upstream terminated. (Put a bookmark on that comment, I'll get back to it momentarily.)

So let's go ahead and try to use this. A naive caller function may look like this:

main = do
    x <- runEffect $ mapM_ yield [1..20] >-> sum 10
    print x

However, this generates a compiler error:

Couldn't match type `Integer' with `()'

The issue is that the producer has a return type of (), whereas we want to return an Integer from sum. pipes requires that all components of the pipeline have the same return value, since any one of them can terminate computation. In order to work around this, we need to use some kind of a return value from the producer. A Maybe value works well for this:

main = do
    x <- runEffect $
        (mapM_ yield [1..20] >> return Nothing)
        >-> fmap Just (sum 10)
    print x

Now our return value is of type Maybe Integer, not Integer. But if we think about it, this is perfectly logical, since the sum function can't return a value unless there are at least 10 values in the stream.

This comes back to the fact that the conduit version of the above sum function is more complicated. That's because it will explicitly deal with termination of the upstream. This grants it the ability to return the current total, or if so desired, emulate the pipes behavior above and return a Nothing to indicate not enough input was provided.

conduit: lack of upstream return values

There's a bit of a mismatch in the conduit abstraction: the most downstream component (the Sink) can provide a return value, but the rest of the upstream components cannot. This was an explicit design decision, and in my experience it's what users actually need the vast majority of the time. (I only needed an upstream return value once in all of my conduit usage, and was able to work around the problem using some low-level tricks.) However, this does present some more abstract problems. For one, there's no meaningful right identity in conduit.

Remember that in conduit, upstream has automatic termination, while downstream does not. This explains why only downstream can provide a return value. However, if we turn off automatic termination on both sides, we can get values returned from both upstream and downstream. (Yes, this claim is pretty vague right now, I'll elaborate fully in my next blog post.)

pipes: Prompt resource finalization

Consider the following simplistic file reading function in conduit:

readFile :: FilePath -> Source (ResourceT IO) String
readFile file = bracketP
    (do h <- IO.openFile file IO.ReadMode
        putStrLn $ "{" ++ file ++ " open}"
        return h )
    (\h -> do
        IO.hClose h
        putStrLn $ "{" ++ file ++ " closed}" )
    fromHandle h = forever $ liftIO (IO.hGetLine h) >>= yield

main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $ producer $$ CL.mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn)

producer = do
    readFile "input.txt" $= CL.isolate 4
    liftIO $ putStrLn "Some long running computation"

It uses the bracketP combinator, which uses ResourceT to ensure exception safety, while using conduit's built-in deterministic resource handling to ensure prompt finalization. Our data producer streams four lines of data from the file, and then runs some (theoretically) long-running computation to generate some more output to be placed in the same output stream. Running this program gives fairly expected results:

{input.txt open}
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
{input.txt closed}
Some long running computation

As we would hope, the input file is opened and closed before the long running computation even starts. Now let's look at the same code in pipes. This example is taken from the pipes-safe documentation, modified slightly to include this long running computation concept:

readFile :: FilePath -> Producer' String (SafeT IO) ()
readFile file = bracket
    (do h <- IO.openFile file IO.ReadMode
        putStrLn $ "{" ++ file ++ " open}"
        return h )
    (\h -> do
        IO.hClose h
        putStrLn $ "{" ++ file ++ " closed}" )

main :: IO ()
main = do
    runSafeT $ runEffect $ producer >-> P.stdoutLn

producer = do
    readFile "input.txt" >-> P.take 4
    liftIO $ putStrLn "Some long running computation"

pipes-safe provides a bracket function, very similar to conduit's bracketP. It also provides SafeT, which is strikingly similar to ResourceT. Besides minor differences in operators and functions names, this code is basically identical. So running it should produce the same output, right?

{input.txt open}
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
Some long running computation
{input.txt closed}

That's a bit worrisome. The input file is kept open during the entire long running computation! This problem is identified in the pipes-safe release announcement from January.

The reason pipes is not able to guarantee prompt finalization is that the data producer is never given a chance to perform its own cleanup. In the line:

readFile "input.txt" >-> P.take 4

Assuming input.txt has more than four characters, the call to P.fromHandle in readFile will never exit. Instead, processing will halt as soon as take 4 returns. I consider this behavior to actually be a bug: the bracket function has distinctly different semantics than Control.Exception.bracket, and scarce resources will be kept open for an indefinitely long time (until the SafeT block is exited).

conduit: lack of assocativity

conduit doesn't get away free here either. conduit also doesn't allow the upstream to continue processing after downstream completes. Instead, it adds a new concept: a finalizer function can be yielded with each value. However, this implementation approach doesn't allow for deterministic ordering of finalizers. This bug was originally identified by Dan Burton. However, by getting rid of early termination in producers, we can solve this problem and take back full associativity.

pipes: Chunking and leftovers

The other major feature that conduit bakes into the core which pipes does not is leftovers. Leftover support is necessary for a few different things, but the need is most apparent when dealing with chunked data structures like ByteString and Text. Consider a program which will write the first 20 bytes from the file "input.txt" to the file "output1.txt", and the second 20 bytes to "output2.txt". This is trivial in conduit:

main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $ sourceFile "input.txt" $$ do
    isolate 20 =$ sinkFile "output1.txt"
    isolate 20 =$ sinkFile "output2.txt"

With an input.txt of:


output1.txt ends up with:


and output2.txt is:


(You can inflate the number 20 to something much larger to make the need for streaming data more realistic.)

Let's imagine that the first chunk of data that is read from input.txt is 60 bytes large. The first call to isolate will read that chunk, split it into 20 and 40 byte chunks, send the 20 byte piece off to output1.txt, and return the remaining 40 bytes as leftovers. The second call to isolate can then read that chunk in and repeat the process.

It's hard for me to imagine this being much more declarative. We're able to leverage conduit's two forms of composition. Monadic composition allows us to string together the two consumers to consume successive data from the producer. And we're able to use fusion to combine the isolate calls with the sinkFile calls, and to connect the source with the combined sink.

This kind of dual composition has been the hallmark of pipes since its first release, so certainly building up something similar should be trivial. With the newly released pipes-bytestring, let's try to naively copy our conduit code over.

main :: IO ()
main =
    withFile "input.txt" ReadMode $ \input ->
    withFile "output1.txt" WriteMode $ \output1 ->
    withFile "output2.txt" WriteMode $ \output2 ->
        runEffect $ fromHandle input >-> do
            take 20 >-> toHandle output1
            take 20 >-> toHandle output2

When I run this code, output2.txt is empty! To understand why, let's consider how isolate works in conduit. We get an initial chunk of (say) 60 bytes, split off the first 20, and return the remaining 40 as leftovers. But pipes has no leftover support, so take simply drops the data on the floor! Not only is this unintuitive behavior, and completely undocumented, but is non-deterministic: if the first chunk was instead 30 bytes, only 10 bytes of data would be lost. If it was 100 bytes, 80 bytes would be lost. I'd consider the very presence of this function to be an inherent flaw in this library that needs to be rectified immediately.

(By the way, drop is even worse than take. I'll leave it to reader comments to discover why.)

In order to get the right behavior, you have to use the splitAt function instead:

main :: IO ()
main =
    withFile "input.txt" ReadMode $ \input ->
    withFile "output1.txt" WriteMode $ \output1 ->
    withFile "output2.txt" WriteMode $ \output2 -> do
        input' <- runEffect $ splitAt 20 (fromHandle input) >-> toHandle output1
        void $ runEffect $ splitAt 20 input' >-> toHandle output2

There are a number of points that need to be elucidated here:

  • The do-block is no longer performing any kind of composition of Pipes, but rather just IO composition. In fact, we've had to completely give up on "vertical composition" of pipes to make this work.

  • We have to explicitly pass around the producer. I'm familiar with this style of coding, since early versions of conduit encouraged it, and it's not an experience I'd want to repeat. It's easy to accidentally pass around the old producer instead of the new one, for example. And this is exactly the kind of drudgery that streaming libraries should be able to liberate us from!

This approach to leftovers just inverts the whole concept of a producer to a pull-based model. This is a valid approach, but it sacrifices so much of the elegance and simplisity we have in a streaming library, and pushes it to a user problem. The API is now seemingly doubled, between "Pipes" and "Splitters" as the API documentation calls them. (This is similar to the issues I raise above regarding folds.)

While these limitations can be worked around, I believe the workarounds defeat so much of the elegance of the declarative approach pipes claims. conduit keeps that elegance by baking leftovers directly into the core abstraction.

pipes: Simple parsing

As a further illustration of the problems of lack of proper chunked data support, consider the following trivial conduit snippet:

parseA :: Monad m => Sink Text m A
parseC :: Monad m => Sink Text m C

myParse :: Monad m => Sink Text m (A, C)
myParse = (,) <$> parseA <*> parseC

Since monadic composition works naturally for Sinks- even chunked Sinks- composing two different Sink can be achieved by using standard Applicative operators. Such easy composition is not possible (AFAICT) with pipes-parse or pipes-bytestring.

So my claim is: pipes has simplified its core by leaving out leftover support, resulting in some really complicated user-facing APIs. conduit includes the complexity in one place, the core, and the rest of the codebase reaps the benefits.

conduit: Lack of identity in presence of leftovers

conduit solves leftovers by baking it into the core abstraction as a separate concept. This has been criticized by Gabriel and others (rightfully so) in that it makes the core harder to reason about. The manner in which this issue manifests is that identity does not preserve leftovers. In other words, idConduit =$= leftover x /= leftover x.

At this point, you're probably wondering: I get the problems with leftovers, how does this indict automatic termination as the cause? I'll have to be a bit vague until my next post, but the basic idea is that there's an incredibly easy way to implement leftovers: each time a component completes, it returns both its return value and its leftovers. When this component is monadically composed with another component, the leftovers are supplied as input to that new component. And when composed via fusion (a.k.a., vertical composition), the leftovers are provided as part of the result.

pipes and conduit: isolate

I don't think the iteratee approach gets nearly enough credit; in some cases, we're still not completely caught up. Take for example the isolate function, which has the following description:

isolate n reads at most n elements from the stream, and passes them to its iteratee. If the iteratee finishes early, elements continue to be consumed from the outer stream until n have been consumed.

This kind of function could be incredibly useful for something like consuming an HTTP request body. A web server will determine the length of the request body from the content-length header, and then stream that body to the application. If the application doesn't consume the entire body, isolate can ensure that the rest of the input is flushed, so that the next request is available for the webserver to continue processing.

A simpler example of this would be a function to consume lines. Consider the following approach in conduit:

line :: Monad m => Conduit Char m Char
line = do
    mc <- await
    case mc of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just '\n' -> return ()
        Just c -> yield c >> line

The algorithm is simple: get a character. If there is no character, or it's a newline, we're done processing. Otherwise, yield the character downstream, and continue. Let's try to use this function to get the second line of input:

main = do
    secondLine <- mapM_ yield "Hello\nWorld\n" $$ do
        line =$ return ()
        line =$ CL.consume
    putStrLn secondLine

We'd expect the output to be World, but unfortunately it's not. The actual output is Hello. The reason is that the Sink attached to the first call to line does not consume any of the input provided by line. As a result, it terminates immediately, and therefore line also terminates immediately, since producers automatically terminate. In fact, line is never called here at all!

One workaround is to provide a modified line that takes a Sink as its first argument, e.g.:

-- This is the same as the previous line
lineHelper :: Monad m => Conduit Char m Char

line :: Monad m
     => Sink Char m a
     -> Sink Char m a
line sink = lineHelper =$ do
    result <- sink
    CL.sinkNull -- discard the rest of the line
    return result

Then, instead of using fusion to combine line with our sinks, we just pass them as arguments, e.g.:

main = do
    secondLine <- mapM_ yield "Hello\nWorld\n" $$ do
        line $ return () -- note: replaced =$ with $
        line $ CL.consume
    putStrLn secondLine

While this works, it's not ideal. Like the pipes solutions to folding and leftovers, we're left with two different and conflicting approaches which don't compose with each other.

Sneek preview

To give a bit of a sneak peek for the next post, let's consider what an ideal version of line may look like. It would need to be able to continue consuming input after calling yield. We may even call that something like tryYield, and allow yield to maintain its current auto-termination behavior. This would look like:

line :: Monad m => Conduit Char m Char
line = do
    mc <- await
    case mc of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just '\n' -> return ()
        Just c -> tryYield c >> line

We're still left with a question. The current behavior of conduit would mean that no input is consumed if downstream is already closed. With the hypothetical line function I just wrote, one character will be consumed before tryYield is ever called. Is there any way to perfectly model the previous behavior and ensure no actions are performed if downstream is closed? I'll let you know in the next blog post.


I want to be clear: the pipes design is very elegant. Some of the issues I've listed above can be worked around. If you're OK with having to use a separate set of functions for writing folds, for example, the approach will work. However, there are other cases- like prompt resource finalization- for which there does not appear to be a readily available workaround. If you don't have need of prompt resource finalization, then this limitation may not bother you. For other cases, it could be a deal-breaker.

On the conduit side, we're looking at three identified flaws: associativity affecting finalizers ordering, guaranteed emptying when using a Conduit, and identity regarding leftovers. These would all be nice to fix, but at the same time none of them are major issues. So the question is: would making this kind of a change be worth it?

Before making any decisions, I think it's worth analyzing the new design. I think at the very least it will give us new insights into our existing approaches, and maximally may let us drastically improve our streaming libraries.


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