A few months ago, Petr Pudlák kicked off the conduit-extra
package with the
addition of ZipSink
. As a refresher, ZipSink
provides an alternative
instance for Sink
which allows multiple Sink
s to consume the
same stream.
I've just release version 1.0.13 of conduit which promotes ZipSink
conduit-extra into conduit itself. This abstraction has proven to be generally
useful, and I hope others enjoy it as well. If you want a more in-depth review
of it, please see the original blog post. The only change since then is
renaming broadcast
to sequenceSinks
Along with this change, version 1.0.13 adds a new, similar concept: ZipSource
and sequenceSources
. The idea here is to combine together multiple streams,
instead of sequencing one stream after another.
As a simple motivating example, let's say we have some files on the filesystem, where each file contains a list of student test scores. We want to combine together the test scores for all students for each of the tests. The following program does the job:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Name = String
people :: [Name]
people = words "alice bob charlie"
files :: Map.Map Name FilePath
files = Map.fromList $ map (\name -> (name, name ++ ".txt")) people
scores :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Source m Int
scores fp
= CB.sourceFile fp
$= CB.lines
$= CL.map (read . S8.unpack)
sources :: MonadResource m => Map.Map Name (Source m Int)
sources = fmap scores files
sources' :: MonadResource m => Source m (Map.Map Name Int)
sources' = sequenceSources sources
main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $ sources' $$ CL.mapM_ (lift . print)
The important bit is the definition of sources'
. We use sequenceSources
combine together each of the individual test scores into a single test score
map. With some basic input files, the output looks like:
fromList [("alice",1),("bob",3),("charlie",2)]
fromList [("alice",2),("bob",2),("charlie",2)]
fromList [("alice",3),("bob",1),("charlie",2)]